Baby Gender Calendar

Baby Gender Calendar

The Chinese Gender Calendar or Birth Chart is widely used to predict baby's sex. It is based on two elements: the mother-to-be's lunar conception month and Chinese lunar age when the baby is conceived.
2022 Chinese Gender Chart
2023 Chinese Gender Chart

Baby Gender Predictors

Baby Gender Predictors

Want to know if you are carrying a baby boy or a girl? Use our gender predictors to get a result. These are very easy ways to predict at home and some are old wives’ tales to predict your baby’s gender.
Chinese Gender Predictor
Gender Predictor Quiz

Baby Gender Selection

Baby Gender Selection

The Chinese Gender Chart is not only used to predict baby’s gender but also for selecting gender. Planning to get pregnant with your preferred baby gender? Use the selector to find the best dates.
How to Conceive Baby Boy?
How to Conceive Baby Girl?
What to Eat to Conceive a Baby Boy?
What to Eat to Conceive a Baby Girl?
Can Alkaline Foods Help Women Conceive a Boy?



A list of questions and answers relating to Chinese Gender Chart, Chinese gender prediction and selection. You might want to ask some of these questions. Find answers to help you fully understand the chart.
How to Calculate Chinese Lunar Age?
How to calculate lunar conception month?



It is said that a woman who has given birth to a child is a complete woman. So, every woman should be eager to have a cute baby of her own! From pregnancy to production, the mother-to-be usually experience a lot of unforgettable first time - the first-time pregnancy, the first-time antenatal examination, the first time she saw the baby from the B-ultrasound, the first time she felt the fetal movement... all kinds of these wonderful moments must make her feel unforgettable!
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Reviews (276)

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173 user(s) find the result is right (62% Accuracy).
Lilian Reviewed
Very accurate prediction. May be a coincidence, but it's a right prediction. The Chinese gender chart is interesting.
Heng yuan Reviewed
Chinese Baby Gender Chart is not accurate. There is not much scientific basis for having a child based on the records of the chart. Everyone's physical state changes at every moment, which will have an impact on the combination of sperm and eggs.
Wu Min Reviewed
Very accurate to my two boys. Will use it to plan my third child. Thank you for providing the information.
Jane Reviewed
My friend recommended it to me and she used this tool to predict both of her children are correct. I am 6 months pregnant now and it is showing that I will have a baby boy, I hope this is accurate.
Moon Reviewed
Just checked the gender chart, it says boy and the Ultrasound also shows boy ❤️.

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