Pregnancy Dreams - Dragon

5 Reviews 80% Accuracy
The dragon represents power and authority. As long as dragon appears in dream, it is considered quite auspicious. In pregnancy dreams, if you see a dragon with horns, a dragon with a wish-fulfilling pearl in mouth, or a dragon head, this usually indicates that you will get a handsome son. If you see the dragon tail, or ride on the dragon, it means that you will get a beautiful daughter.

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4 user(s) find the result is right (80% Accuracy).
S***** Reviewed
Ive dream i was walking in a open feild with my baby mother (she was pregnant) and we both witness entire dragon from tail to head flying in circle nonstop. We wasn't scared but amazed. End up having a beautiful daugther
T***** Reviewed
I saw a dragon in my dream when i am pregnant, and i got a girl
M***** Reviewed
Yes, It's right for me
p***** Reviewed
ya its true for me and its worked to me
R***** Reviewed
It's amazing. I dreamed a dragon when I pregnant then get a son.
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