Color of the Areola

5 Reviews 80% Accuracy
An old wives' tale for gender prediction is that the color of the mom's areola will determine the gender of baby. If your areola turns darker in color after you get pregnant, it means baby boy; On the contrary, if it's lightened, it indicates a girl.

Reviews (5)

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4 user(s) find the result is right (80% Accuracy).
S***** Reviewed
I had very light areola.. had a girl baby...
j***** Reviewed
dark area my nipple areola bump of the babies twins darker areola bump
J***** Reviewed
Mine are really dark now. I'm having a boy.
J***** Reviewed
I had dark areola when I carried my two babies. But I finally give birth two girls.
C***** Reviewed
I really had darkening areolas when I carried my first boy.
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