Carrying High or Low

6 Reviews 50% Accuracy

Every pregnancy is unique - and so is every pregnant belly. Some mother-to-bes carry high, some carry low, and some bellies look different every day. According to the folklore, your belly can give you a clue if you will get a baby boy or a baby girl on board.

Carrying high? You will get a girl!

Carrying low? You will get a boy!

How to know whether you are carrying high or low

With the middle of the abdomen as the boundary, if your belly uplifts upwards, it means carrying high. On the opposite, if it downward bulge, that’s carrying low.

Reviews (6)

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3 user(s) find the result is right (50% Accuracy).
J***** Reviewed
I'm carrying high and expecting a boy.
E***** Reviewed
This high and low method doesn't work to me. i carried very high and had a boy.
D***** Reviewed
I am pregnant and carrying high. Ultrasound proves I'm carrying a girl.
L***** Reviewed
I carried low and get a girl. Not exactly right.
M***** Reviewed
It seems right to me, I carried high then get a girl, hope it can help others.
L***** Reviewed
I carried high and I get a girl. My sister carried low and she get a boy. Very good prediction.
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